
Psychoanalysis and couples therapy in Lugano

"Human beings possess an innate propensity for self-realisation".

(I. Yalom, Il dono della terapia)

"Western man stands before himself
as if facing a stranger.
To know oneself
is one of the most difficult and demanding arts'.

(C.G. Jung, Mysterium coniunctionis)

Psychoanalysis and spiritual counselling are a tool for those who desire a fuller life and want to find the meaning of what is happening to them or what they feel stirring within themselves.

Working for one's personal growth and inner healing is challenging, but it is an investment that brings improvements in every area of life.

Being more aware, living better and feeling freer, is priceless.

Studio or home visits
Online sessions on request

+41 (0)79 736 64 52

Costs are not covered by health insurance
The first session is free of charge

arte - Roberto Roffi

Individual therapy

Anxiety - especially among young people - and a certain resignation are rampant today, as if people no longer believe it is possible to be happy. A sense of bewilderment and disorientation prevails in a society where everything changes very quickly and there are no longer any stable points of reference.

Paradoxically, it is precisely the negative symptoms or pains we feel that can reawaken in us the perception of the value of ourselves: body and psyche warn us that something is not right.

Stress, dissatisfaction, sadness, depressed moods, sudden anxiety or anger, fears, irritability, guilt, emptiness or lack of meaning, difficulties in emotional relationships or at work, crisis at an important transition in life, fear of illness or death, etc. are not illnesses but part of life.

These problems cannot be solved with drugs - although sometimes drugs are indispensable crutches - but they are an opportunity to stop and finally take care of ourselves, listening to our truest needs and recognising the wounds within us that need healing.

Through talks and with a focus on dreams, I help to enter into a true inner dialogue with oneself in order to reactivate the psychic and spiritual resources within each of us, thanks to which it becomes possible to deal constructively with life's problems.

Couples therapy

When we are in love we feel that being with the one we love is what makes us happy. Sometimes, however, this relationship becomes a source of great suffering. How is this possible? What does such a change mean?

I use Sue Johnson's Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy method to help couples in difficulty experience more constructive and effective ways of relating, accompanying them on a journey of greater self- and other-knowledge.

The analytical approach is useful for recognising the unconscious mechanisms that over time can become an obstacle in the fascinating adventure of love, and for rediscovering the possibility of living the heart's desire with freedom.
Becoming aware of our relational modalities is also fundamental in order not to repeat unhealthy and dysfunctional mechanisms in the upbringing of children.

raffigurazione di musicoterapia - Roberto Roffi

Find out more about this image: LINK

"If I do not fully realise my life, it will be bequeathed to my children and on them, in addition to their own difficulties,
will be the burden of my unlived life". (C.G. Jung)

dipinto di una metropoli - Roberto Roffi

Spiritual counseling

In our society, death has become a taboo: we never talk about it and do everything to keep it away.
When we are confronted with the diagnosis of a serious and potentially fatal illness - our own or that of someone close to us - we often find ourselves disarmed and feel unable to cope with a situation in which everything seems to collapse.
Accompanying and supporting patients and family members in this decisive phase of life can make all the difference in living through such dramatic moments in a humane way.

I also make home visits or visits to in-patient institutions.

Who I am

I was born in Lugano in 1969. Following some painful experiences, since my high school years the question of whether it was really possible to love and be happy absorbed all my energy.
I studied history and political economy at the University of Fribourg and during those years I felt the call to become a priest in the Catholic Church.

After graduation I began the study of philosophy and theology, which ended with a doctorate in Dogmatic Theology. Pastoral ministry was a very intense and rich life experience, but after several years I had to recognise that I could not be fully myself in that capacity.

In 2017 I left the priestly ministry and the following year I started training at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich to become a psychoanalyst.

raffigurazione di musicoterapia - Roberto Roffi

After two years of intensive work as a spiritual counsellor in the EOC Palliative Care Clinic (2020-2022), I have decided to devote myself full-time to my private activity as a psychoanalyst and spiritual counsellor.

Since February 2022 I have been collaborating with the IMD-International Institute in Lausanne, where I work as a psychoanalyst with young men and women who want to take a major leap forward in their professional career by attending a residential Master's programme in Management.
I live in Pregassona and welcome you in my studio in my home. I am married


  • Candidate for diploma as psychoanalyst C.G. Jung Institut, Zürich (end of training February 2024)
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Cure Palliative, SUPSI (2013)
  • Doctorate in Theology, FTL (2008)
  • Licentiate in Contemporary History and Political Economy, Fribourg (1995)

Languages: Italian, French, English and German. 


Roberto Roffi

Strada di Pregassona 8     

6963 Pregassona

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